Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief

Published:Wednesday, September 7, 2005Updated:Saturday, September 10, 2005 (Travolta, Preston, Moore, Stones, Three Doors Down, Johnson, Smith) After Hurricane Katrina passed across the United States, various artists and media stars have leapt at a call to action. John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston flew his private plane to deliver a load of supplies and tetanus vaccine […]

Tips On Cleaning A Persian Rug In New York City

Read An Opinion On: Sydney Luxury Granny Flats Backspace Living March, 2014 byAlma Abell For many years all over the world a Persian rug is a very treasured possession due to the quality and workmanship that it takes to construct the rug. It is very important to keep the Persian rug clean and properly maintained […]

Egypt cancels 15 year gas supply contract to Israel

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the termination of a natural gas contract between Egypt and Israel is a business matter and not a political issue between the two counties. Netanyahu’s statement on Monday backs away from other officials’ earlier responses to the action. Egyptian Natural Gas Company announced Sunday, […]

Car Insurance Seattle: A Matter Of Necessity

Read An Opinion On: Motor Insurance Online Affordable Motor Insurance Australia byAlma Abell Car Insurance Seattle is not a matter of choice. It is required. Some drivers may not realize the seriousness of driving without it. If people take chances on not having insurance, it can land them in jail. They could also suffer from […]

On the campaign trail, September 2012

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Tuesday, October 9, 2012 The following is the eleventh in a monthly series chronicling the U.S. 2012 presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after a brief mention […]

Japanese survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings dies, aged 93

Friday, January 8, 2010 Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the only Japanese civilian to be officially recognized as having survived both the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in August of 1945 at the conclusion of World War Two, has died this Monday at the age of ninety-three, due to stomach cancer—one of the […]

Report urges Kenya to ban plastic bags

Wednesday, March 9, 2005File:Plastic bag stock sized.jpg They are cheap, useful, and very plentiful, and that is exactly the problem, according to researchers. A report issued on Feb. 23 by a cadre of environment and economics researchers suggested that Kenya should ban the common plastic bag that one gets at the checkout counter of grocery […]

Bill Gates releases mosquitoes during conference for malaria awareness

Thursday, February 5, 2009 Bill Gates, the founder of computer software company Microsoft, tried to bring attention to malaria while speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference on Wednesday February 4 in Long Beach, California. He did so by releasing a “swarm” of mosquitoes from a jar, into the crowd. “Malaria is spread by […]

Category:July 16, 2010

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