Summer Holiday Health And Safety For Your Dog}
Read An Opinion On: Ash Aryal Summer Holiday Health and Safety for your Dog by Lesley Komlos Summertime can be the ideal season to take your dog to the beach to enjoy the summer sunshine. This can be a great holiday time, as long you take the necessary precautions to ensure your dog is safe […]
Cancer Symptoms In Dogs And Cats
Read An Opinion On: Ash Aryal Submitted by: Gary Le Mon Can you spot cancer symptoms in dogs and cats? While it looks as though cancer affects an expanding sector of people in our society, it is also affecting larger numbers of our pets. It might seem like more pets are affected by cancer than […]
Shih Tzu Reviving Lifeless Shih Tzu Puppies At Birth}
Read An Opinion On: Marc Ching Shih Tzu Reviving Lifeless Shih Tzu Puppies At Birth by If a Shih Tzu puppy’s progress is impeded, staying too long in the birth canal, it may be visibly lifeless. Some of these Shih Tzu puppies may have a faint heartbeat but no respiratory response. Others may show neither […]